Responsible Supply Chain
Zyxel and all suppliers have passed ISO9001 and ISO14001, ISO45001 management system, and provide customers with high-quality products through systematic and process management. Zyxel strives to drive all suppliers to jointly invest in the sustainable development of the supply chain, and to ensure the ability to meet the requirements through supplier evaluation, regular audit and performance evaluation.
All of 100%
Supplier quality and ESG audit completion rate in 2021
Supplier quarterly assessment completion rate in 2021
Zyxel supplier certification ISO 9001 Quality
Our Supplier Code of Conduct
Zyxel publicly announce its “Sustainable Procurement Policies and Guidelines” and “Supplier Code of Conduct” to disclose its commitments to creating a responsible supply chain. We have identified 49 corresponding criteria among six main sectors, and all of them respond to internationally valued sustainability standards.
Following these criteria, we ask suppliers to sign the “Statement of Supplier Corporate Social Responsibility Commitment” which requires suppliers to follow and adhere to the relevant sustainability code and standards.
Suppliers responded the Statement of Social Responsibility Commitment
General conditions
- Purpose
- Scope
- Compliance
- Report
- Audit
- Amendment labor
Labor and human rights
- Freely chosen employment
- Young workers
- Working hours
- Wages and benefits
- Humane treatment
- Non-discrimination
- Freedom of association
Health and safety
- Occupational safety
- Emergency preparedness
- Occupational injury and illness
- Industrial hygiene
- Physically demanding work
- Machine safeguarding
- Sanitation, food, and housing
- Health and safety communication
- Environmental permits and reporting
- Pollution prevention and resource reduction
- Hazardous substances
- Solid waste
- Air emissions
- Materials restrictions
- Water management
- Energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
- Carbon footprint management
- Business integrity
- No improper advantage
- Disclosure of information
- Intellectual property
- Fair business, advertising and competition
- Protection of identity and non-retaliation
- Responsible sourcing of minerals
- Privacy protection
Management systems
- Company commitment
- Management accountability and responsibility
- Legal and customer requirements
- Risk assessment and risk management
- Improvement objectives training
- Communication
- Worker feedback, participation and grievance
- Audits and assessments
- Corrective action process
- Documentation and records
- Supplier responsibility