
Zyxel are misiunea de a elibera potențialul oamenilor. Facem acest lucru interconectând mediul de afaceri și utilizatorii casnici. Aceasta implică utilizarea cloud-ului pentru a oferi cele mai fiabile soluții de rețea posibile, utilizând inteligența artificială pentru a proteja împotriva amenințărilor cibernetice care evoluează zilnic și folosind abonamentele online pentru a face licențierea flexibilă și accesibilă.


de piețe globale deservite.

Peste30de ani

de experiență cu tehnologii rețelistice

1 million

de companii lucrând mai inteligent cu soluțiile Zyxel


From small to large, we cater for them all.

Find the product that meets your business needs.

Experience the latest we have to offer.


5G Mobile Router Makes Latency-free, HD Livestreaming Possible at Crowded Events

It’s challenging for us to livestream in a high-density environment like an exhibition hall with thousands of concurrent users simultaneously connecting to the internet. Zyxel’s NR5101 router features high-speed, low-latency 5G technology that significantly improves video lag and interruption issues, making it ideal for us to deliver 360-degree surround views.

Kevin Chiang
Founder & CEO
dp smart


Supremely Smooth WiFi Ensures Hassle-free Holidays at Italian Vacation Homes

It’s always exciting to start a project from scratch and follow it through to a successful implementation, and the browsing experience we’ve provided guests has proved very successful indeed.

Andrea Corvatta
Owner, Corvatta Computers


Supply Chain Shortages Pose No Problem for New Russian School’s Network

Our customer in this project has been highly satisfied – not only because all their requirements were met but that they were met exactly on time. I thank Zyxel for their technical supports and strongly recommend Zyxel for cases such as this.

Yuri Sergeevich Perevoznikov
Representative, Vybor LLC

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