CSR Overview
Corporate governance
Meeting all legal requirements and business ethics while pursuing maximum shareholder values.
Environmental protection
Continue developing environment-friendly, energy-efficient products.
Green products
Ensuring all operations abide by green policies and strive to achieve environmental sustainability.
Responsible supply chain
Proactively ensuring global suppliers operate under environmental regulations and business ethics.
Inclusive workplace
Encouraging diversity while providing a safe and healthy work environment.
Community contribution
Working with communities to improve life through educational, economic, and social welfare activities.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
In response to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) passed by the United Nations in 2015, Zyxel ensures 90% of its sustainability projects are compiled with UN SDGs.
Good health and well-being
Quality education
Gender equality
Clean water and sanitation
Decent work and economic growth
Industry innovation and infrastructure
Reduced inequalities
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production
Life below water
ESG Committee
Zyxel’s ESG Committee carries out the company’s vision, aggressively fulfilling its sustainability mission through activities, participation, and contributions. The objectives of the Committee are to lay out Zyxel’s sustainability strategies, set goals, implement the plans, and manage performance and resources to ensure Zyxel meets its principle code of conduct.
Zyxel ESG Committee consists of members from all levels and across all departments. Led by Dr. Shun-I Chu, the Zyxel Group founder, the Committee implements related sustainability projects effectively with full support from top executives. The Committee meets every quarter to update the company’s sustainability roadmap and review the progress of projects for possible improvements.