
Protection you deserve

Licensed Service

Report Analytic History Log Retention Log Filtering Search Product Applicable
30 days
(with customization)
1 Year 30 days
(CSV file)
ATP Series
  • Gold Security Pack
  • Default Bundle
  • Gold Security Pack
  • UTM Security Pack
  • Content Filter Pack
  • Single License
USG Series
  • 3-in-1 UTM Security Pack
  • Content Filter Pack
  • Single License
  1. License subscription fee and permits may vary by country
  • Events/Alarms notification symbol
  • Top Bandwidth Hostname
  • Top Bandwidth MAC
  • Top Bandwidth User
  • Top Destination Countries
  • Top Applications
  • Top Destination Ports
  • License status and remaining days
  • Location is available by city level GeoIP
  • Alerts Detected in 7 Days
  • Total Counts of Malware/Virus Detected
  • Spam Emails Detected
  • Anomalies Detected
  • Blocked Requests
  • Threat Trend
Threat Map
  • Statistics of attack packets in 7 days (detected in the device)
  • Threat status when selecting a specific country
  • Top Attack Origins / Top Attack Targets / Top Attack Types / Top Attack Time Period / Top Attackers IP Address / Top Attacked IP Address
Security Indicator

Multidimensional analytics

  • Anti-Virus/Anti Malware
  • IDP
  • ADP
  • Mail Protection
  • Sandboxing (ATP/USG FLEX series only)
  • URL Threat Analytics (ATP/USG FLEX series only)
  • IP Reputation Analytics (ATP/USG FLEX series only)
  • DNS Filter Analytics (ATP/USG FLEX series only)
Application & Website Activity
  • Web Security
  • Allowed websites
  • Blocked websites Access trend
  • Top Blocked Websites / Website Type
  • Top Allowed Website / Website Type
  • Top Source / Destination IP
Application Patrol
  • Top Blocked Application / Application Type
  • Top Allowed Application/ Application Type
  • Top Blocked Destination Countries
  • Blocked / Allowed Application Access History
Users aware search
  • Security Events
  • Application Usage
  • Website Usage
  • Top Destination Countries
  • Traffic Upload/Download Usage Trend
  • Login/Logout History
Client identity
  • Search by User
  • Search by IP Address
  • Search by MAC address
  • Search by Hostname
  • Device Category identity
  • Device OS identity
  • User-defined Logo, title description, comments/suggestionn
  • On-demand, by-schedule (daily, weekly, monthly) or send immediately
  • Flexible report formats: PDF
Event Alert
  • 15+ built-in event definitions; ready for use and highly customizable
  • Automated mail alert
  • Alert Trend
  • Alert History
  • Create multi-tenant view
  • Set Data Protection Policy, compliance for national general data protection rule
  • Dark mode (plan to release on 4/E)
Log Filtering Search
  • Filter categories by Security, Event, or Traffic
  • Specify history time of up to 30 days
  • Exports result with CSV file
  • A unique logical entity structure to serve multiple tenants
  • Multiple users with role-based access control