Nebula License Reform Notification
Starting from April 11, 2021, all Nebula customers will be updated to our new per-device licensing model as our co-termination licensing model will sadly come to an end.
Why the change?
Simplification is by far the main driver in the change, after receiving a lot of feedback from partners and clients. We have decided to evolve the licensing to become much simpler to understand and manage. The change to per-device licensing allows IT teams to maintain various expiration dates across devices, sites or organizations. Each Organisation can have a single shared expiration, which will be manageable through our new Circle licence management platform for channel partners (supporting Nebula later this year).
Additionally, Nebula Control Center (NCC) Pro Pack licenses will move to flat rate pricing across all product types, making it much simpler for purchasing, managing and renewing.
Unification is another factor for our ever evolving platform. As we begin to advance and bring in more sophisticated devices like the USG FLEX series into Nebula, we need to maintain a simple migration path between on premise (traditional deployments) and our cloud platform. These changes will ensure that we bring a consistent, unified approach to the customer experience both in platform and licensing.
Improved Packs This update will also introduce a new Plus Pack that includes a subset of the most commonly requested features for administering sites (from the current Pro Pack) at a much more affordable flat rate price (per device). We will also launch the Managed Service Provider (MSP) Pack that will facilitate cross-org management and help elevate the manageability in Nebula for MSP customers.
What are the changes?
Co-termination Licensing (Point based)
Effects Product/s | What will be changed & How | Takes Effect |
All Existing Co-termination (Point based licensing) which includes:
All licenses will be converted automatically to new per-device based licenses taking the current expiry date of the organisation and applying it to each individual device. If you hold a key that has not been activated after the 30th March and before the December 31st 2021 it can be exchanged for a new per-device license. Please contact your local Zyxel team for more information. |
April 11, 2021 |
Management & Analytics License/Service
Effects Product/s | What will be changed | How |
Nebula Base Pack (Free) |
Per-device licensing must still maintain the same Pack type across the organisation. The organisation will be converted to the least compatible Pack, most of the time (Free) Base Pack, after 15-day grace period (when device licenses expired or when insufficient licenses due to unlicensed or lower licensed devices added) if there are not enough licenses to accommodate the same pack. For example, all device in a Pro Pack must all have a valid Per-device Pro Pack license to maintain Pro Pack features. |
Nebula Plus Pack (New) |
Nebula Pro Pack |
Nebula Pro Pack Limited Lifetime (LLL) |
Organisation will become Pro Pack and will allow you to add additional Pro Pack Per-device licensing. Existing LLL devices will remain Lifetime. |
NEW Additional management service for Managed Service Providers (MSPs)
Effects Product/s | What will be changed | How |
Nebula MSP Pack (New) |
Up to 3-month trial is available upon request or automatically. Please contact your local Zyxel team for more information. |
Security License/Service (NSG Series)
Effects Product/s | What will be changed | How |
Nebula Security Services (NSS) Security Pack |
Change from Point Based to Per-device will be converted automatically to new per-device based licenses taking the current expiry date of the organisation and applying it to each individual device. |
NEW Security License/Service (USG FLEX Series)
Effects Product/s | What will be changed | How |
UTM Security Pack on Nebula (New) | Introduction of new security service for USG FLEX hardware supporting:
Introduction of new licensed service along with the support for USG FLEX hardware within Nebula. With many more features to be added later in the year. |
Secure WiFi on Nebula (New) | Introduction of new service for selected Wireless Access Points (AP) to support a direct tunnel from AP to a remote USG FLEX Gateway. Supporting a simplified approach to extending your office environment to end point users in remote or WFH environments. |