It's time to help your IT team!

It's time to help your IT team!

In every company, there is that team or even that person that works in the background making all the systems and network… work. They are the team that holds it all together, making sure businesses stay connected and running smoothly – often without anyone noticing. Isn’t it time we help them a bit?

You show up for to work every day, grab your morning coffee and turn on your laptop/computer or device and open your dreaded inbox – full of 100’s of emails. All of which claim to be urgent or pressing you with the deal of the century!

But, how and who has made this happen?

Almost all of your work relies on a computer or device and its ability to not only connect to the Internet but to your data, your email, finance system and yes those funny videos on social media that are just too hysterical to keep to yourself!

The true heroes that make this happen, behind the scenes are under huge pressure. They not only have to manage the day-to-day operations that we take for granted, but also now have to manage a growing number and variety of devices, manage data access, keep the network secure from threats and monitor the stability of the network – you know the thing you connect to that magically gets you on the Internet.

Managing and maintaining the infrastructure that enables everyone to carry out their job is becoming increasingly difficult and complex for IT teams. I mean, who wouldn’t help a sales rep in need to close a deal! Who just needs your bank details to deposit a cool million?

It is time to help IT, repay all that pain we cause them! You all know what I’m taking about; those times the photocopier gets jammed… or that time they managed to fix your email minutes before your deadline… oh and that time they got your presentation to work in the conference room moments before your meeting, which by the way, you totally nailed!

At Zyxel we have you covered! Arm your IT team with the tools they need to simplify their day-to-day job of managing your network with Nebula – our cloud network management platform – and Nebula enabled devices. It’s even more easier than ever before with NebulaFlex, where with one simple fireware update, you can turn a standalone Access Point into a cloud managed device, giving you the flexibility to have both standalone and cloud managed network.

By moving how you manage your network to the cloud with Nebula your IT team can quickly and easily control, manage and monitor your network(s). As Nebula is in the cloud, your IT teams can access and monitor your network’s stability and potential security threats at any time and from anywhere, making sure business never have any downtime. Yes! Even next to the coffee machine!

Remember most IT engineers are coffee powered!

Find out more about our Cloud Network Management solution – Nebula – on our website. Let’s help our IT teams!
