Applied Products
Number of Tunnel Mode AP
Supported Remote AP
ATP ATP100/100W 6
ATP200 10
ATP500 18
ATP700 66
ATP800 130
USG FLEX USG FLEX 100/100W/100AX 6
USG FLEX 200 10
USG FLEX 500 18
USG FLEX 700 130
VPN VPN50 10
VPN100 18
VPN300 130
VPN1000 258

Note: This matrix with firmware ZLD5.37 or later.

Managed AP Service
Applied Products
Number of Managed AP (Default/Maximun)
Supported Managed AP
APC 6.55 ATP ATP100/100W 8/24
ATP200 8/40
ATP500 8/72
ATP700 8/264
ATP800 8/520
USG FLEX USG FLEX 100/100W/100AX 8/24
USG FLEX 200 8/40
USG FLEX 500 8/72
USG FLEX 700 8/520
VPN VPN50 8/40
VPN100 8/72
VPN300 8/264
VPN1000 8/1032