Same Security Across Networks
Businesses striking a balance on productivity and security protection becomes a priority with growing number of devices. Whether it is a wired, wireless, or a IoT device, the Secure WiFi service ensures the same network controls which can be applied to headquarters and other remote workplaces. Easily and securely extend working experience as if you were in the office with the adoption of secure tunneling and strict two-factor authentication.
A Safer Tunnel Protection
"Giving great convenience and improving the connection security
WPA2 Enterprise can authenticate remotely connected devices or individuals and has a very rigorous and safe authentication method, which is not easy to be broken by malicious users. Supports dynamic VLAN giving users great convenience and greatly improved security.

"Massively escalating the remote account security
In order to keep the user accounts and data from all kinds of cyberattacks, 2FA is the extra layer of security with low or no additional cost. That helps increase productivity by letting users safely use personal devices to login to the private network.

Simplify the User Experience
To streamline the user experience, Secure WiFi collaborates between the remote access points and headquarter gateway by eliminating repetitive 2FA logins, which substantially helps IT securely and easily extend the corporate enterprise network without hassle

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* All specifications are subject to change without notice.