How we use AI/ML to give you better WiFi protection

Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence (AI) and how it’s going to change everything. At Zyxel Networks, our view is that while AI is certainly going to play more of a part, it’s not actually that new. We’ve been using AI and machine learning (ML) within our own cloud management platform, Nebula, for some time.

Advances in AI/ML have enabled us to make much better use of the technology over the last couple of years and with the rapid development that’s now taking place in this field, we expect to make even faster progress over the coming months.

In particular, we’ve been using AI/ML to enhance the security functionality of Nebula. It’s extremely useful as an aid to fault finding and resolution, and also helps us to intelligently monitor access points and retune the devices when necessary – both to improve performance and bolster protection. We’re also providing reporting tools that enable admins and managed service providers to delve deeper into the network activity and traffic, gain a better insight into how resources are being used, and to make adjustments.

AI/ML is now becoming deeply embedded within the Nebula platform, which we are developing continually. We’re now getting to the stage where Nebula is becoming an all-encompassing, end-to-end solution, through which the entire network (or multiple networks) and its protection can be monitored and managed.

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