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Community contribution
intro section
Envisioning a connected and sustainable future with open communications, equal educational opportunities, and inspired innovation, Zyxel and Zyxel Foundation work together to create positive impacts for our community and industry while keeping the growth momentum of our business.
We design our sustainability programs to encourage purposeful innovation, nurture the talent of tomorrow, promote the spirit of entrepreneurship, advance social justice, and inspire sustainable patterns of living.
talent of tomorrow
Talents of tomorrow
The ability to solve problems through innovation and knowledge in technology and science plays a critical role in developing the talent of tomorrow. On a mission to support more young talents in continuing to gain education and professional training and develop an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Zyxel and Zyxel Foundation make reoccurring donations to local high schools and universities through Shun-I Chu Zyxel Scholarship and organizes or sponsors a series of curriculums and programs every year.
charity events
Day of Giving
Since 2013, Zyxel North American employees have annually selected a non-profit organization in the Los Angeles area and provided a day of volunteer labor to help improve their facilities or support their missions.
Love in the shoeboxes
Every year, Zyxel Worldwide Headquarters collaborates with Zyxel Foundation to invite employees to join the annual year-end "Love in the shoeboxes" philanthropic activity. Since 2021, we have delivered over 600 shoeboxes filled with shoes, stationery, and books to underprivileged children in Taiwan's rural areas.