
Naším posláním je zajistit pro organizace, firmy i domácí uživatele konektivitu, která jim umožní naplno využívat svůj potenciál. Pomocí cloudu poskytujeme nejspolehlivější síťová řešení, díky umělé inteligenci uživatele chráníme před stále důmyslnějšími hrozbami a formou online předplatného nabízíme flexibilní a cenově dostupné licence.

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UK Council Sees Productivity Turnaround after Nebula Delivers Bigger Coverage, Better Management

Zyxel’s networking solution has made life easier for our staff. The site’s network coverage, efficiency, log-in speeds, and security have greatly improved. Coverage is much better throughout the site.

Dan Holden
Infrastructure Engineer
Mid Sussex District Council


Spanish College Residence Optimizes Learning Experience with Faster, Securer Network

We needed higher internet speeds to deal with the increasing number of connected devices. Thanks to Zyxel and our partner Infotecnika IDS, we were able to design and deploy a WiFi network precisely suited to the requirements of our residence and our residents.

Enrique Romero Dengra
General Director
CMU Marqués de la Ensenada


5G Mobile Router Makes Latency-free, HD Livestreaming Possible at Crowded Events

It’s challenging for us to livestream in a high-density environment like an exhibition hall with thousands of concurrent users simultaneously connecting to the internet. Zyxel’s NR5101 router features high-speed, low-latency 5G technology that significantly improves video lag and interruption issues, making it ideal for us to deliver 360-degree surround views.

Kevin Chiang
Founder & CEO
dp smart


Upgrading Network Speed, Security, and Guest Satisfaction at Italian Hotel

By working with Sysdat Turismo and adopting Zyxel’s Nebula solution, all our initial project needs have been met, and the customer satisfaction of our guests has risen, too.

Alessia Ruggieri
Hotel dei Congressi, Rome

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WiFi 7
Proč je důležité zabezpečení WiFi nastavit už při jejím zprovoznění?

Od Hugh Simpson

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Key technologies in WiFi7
Na jakých technologiích stojí WiFi 7?

Od Hugh Simpson

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Proč je tak moc důležité mít aktuální softwarové licence?

Od Olivier Medici

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WiFi 7
Upgrade WiFi – ano, či ne? To je, oč tu běží!

Od Hugh Simpson

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Můžu si nastavit vlastní zabezpečení sítě?

Od Olivier Medici

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