Cloud Networking Management

Nebula Control Center

Flexible Subscription for Your Needs

Nebula Control Center (NCC) offers multiple subscription options to meet customers’ needs. Whether you are looking for a complimentary option giving you some peace of mind at no extra cost, more control over your network updates and visibility, or even the most advanced management of cloud networking, Nebula is here to help you.

The plan you choose will determine the service level of Nebula Cloud.

Feature Name
Base Pack
Plus Pack
Pro Pack
Unlimited Registration & Central Management (Configuration, Monitoring, Dashboard, Location Map & Floor Plan Visual) of Nebula Devices
Zero Touch Auto-Deployment of Hardware/Configuration from Cloud
Over-the-air Firmware Management
IOS and Android APP (Deployment, Management and Push Notifications)
Central Device and Client Monitoring (Log and Stat Information) and Reporting 24HR (Rolling) 7D (Rolling) 1YR (Rolling)
Admin Accounts per Organisation (Full Access for Administration Rights) 5 8 NO LIMIT
User Authentication Entries (via built-in Nebula Cloud Authentication Server) 50 100 NO LIMIT
Network Function Scheduling (SSID/PoE/Firewall Rules)
MAC-Based and 802.1X Authentication
Captive Portal Authentication
Email users and alert Notifications
Exempt from Cloud Saving Mode
Advanced Firmware Scheduling (Org/Site/Device)
Advanced Reporting Features (including Export/Email Reports/Scheduled Reports – Custom Logo)
Automatic Network Topology (Visual and Actionable)
WiFi Vouchers (Auto-Gen Vouchers for Access/Authentication with user defined time limits)
Advanced Switch Control (Vendor Based VLAN, Auto PD Recovery)
Organizational User Audit/Change Logs
Organisational-wide Configuration Sync, Clone and Template
Configuration Backup/Restore
Remote CLI Access/Configurator
Priority Nebula Support Request
(Direct NCC incl. Web Chat)
Open API for Ecosystem Partner Application Integration
Advanced WiFi AAA Security (Dynamic Personal PSK, Dynamic VLAN Assignment via NCAS, 3rd Party AAA Integration incl. Captive Portal MAC Auth. Fallback)
Advanced WiFi Control & Management (RSSI Threshold Setting per AP, Export NAT AP Traffic Log, Programmable SSID & PSK)
Advanced Client Connection Monitoring & Trouble Shooting (WiFi Aid, Connection log)
WiFi Health Monitoring and Report (AI/Machine Learning for Wireless)
Switch IP Interfacing & Static Routing
Switch Stacking (physical stacking)
Switch Surveillance Monitoring
Switch IPTV Feature Set (Advanced IGMP, IPTV Report w. AI/ML Alert)
Zyxel CNM SecuReporter Traffic Log Archiving
Firewall Advanced VPN Feature Set (VPN Topology, VPN Traffic Usage, Smart VPN, L2TP VPN Client Script Provisioning)
Collaborative Detection & Response (CDR) with automatically respond action (USG FLEX & ATP Series only)
Client device heartbeat (LAN device alive monitoring)

M = Management Feature (NCC); R = LTE/5G Mobile Router Feature; F = Firewall Feature; S = Switch Feature; W = Wireless Feature

Managed Services with Nebula

Exclusively designed for Managed Service Providers (MSP), NCC offers MSP Pack to facilitate efficient cross-organization management, which ultimately helps MSP deliver superior service to their customers.

  • Enables multi-tenant (organization) management with a single-pane-of-glass portal
  • Enhances MSP services to their customers with a customizable MSP-branded dashboard and support contact
  • Provides a centralized and flexible admin users management with grouping tool (teams) to quickly adapt to members and privilege changes
  • Increases MSP work efficiency with centralized customer setting synchronization/clone tools to fast replicate a successful network deployment for new customers
  • Gives MSP a centralized and efficient tool to set alerts in customers’ ORGs & sites for fast response to increase customer service

3 Reasons Why You Should Upgrade Your Business Network

Optimizing Productivity & Workflow

Advanced multi-tenant & multi-site management tools such as configuration clone/sync/template

Visible and trackable trouble-shooting tools such as site-wide topology

Wireless health, VPN topology, configuration change logs, NSS Analysis reports for proactive management

Adding Value to Your Customer Competencies

Social media login + user data/analytics report promotes hotspot’s sales & marketing

Advanced IGMP+IPTV report enhances hotel’s IPTV program performance

DPPSK+API enhances WiFi onboarding security & experience.

Ensuring Service Delivery for Recurring Revenue

Automatic scheduled network reports such as device summary reports and NSS analysis report reduce MSP’s effort and time for prompt service delivery to customers

Who Needs Professional Pack?


Managed Service Provider (MSP) who manages networks of multiple organizations, sites, or devices.


IT Professional who manages a handful of devices and installations.


Your network is getting bigger and more complex that you can no longer keep track of everything in your head.