SymmRepeater ENTERPRISE and SymmRepeater PRO

Boost weak signal even 1-bar signal strength.

Resolve signal dead zones deep in buildings.

Auto uplink mute and auto signal levelling.

Outstanding voice and date quality.
Boost the signal to the deep of building
Building on SymmRepeater’s dual-symmetric architecture, which both Donor and Service Unit are able to amplify signal and transmit to deeper dead-zone.
That ensures clear voice and smooth data up/downlink in basement, parking garage, and elevators. Also, SymmRepeater goes where operators don’t, such as remote villages, to provide reliable connectivity.

Coverage planning
made incredibly easy!
Traditional repeater deployment requires calculating precise and complex link budgets by experienced RF experts. With SymmRepeater ENTERPRISE, coverage planning is simple as drawing circles on the floor plan!

*All specifications are subject to change without notice.