What's right for you?
On premise or cloud network management

Everyone's talking about cloud-based network management, and it's difficult to see past the hyperbole. Sure, there are lots of benefits, but is the cloud the right direction for you? Find the best way forward for your business, according to the following tips.

Do you have enough IT staff and resources?

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If your IT team is relatively small and you are looking for an easy way to simplify deployment and management, then a cloud-managed approach may be the best way to go.

Does your organization have dynamic needs?

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Cloud-based network management is completely scalable, so it's easy to add devices as you go. This also allows you to expand capabilities rapidly. Under this "pay as you grow" model, your company spends only what it necessary according to your dynamic needs.

Is your organization distributed across multiple locations?

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Since cloud-managed devices can self-configure through the cloud, just plug them in and turn them on. Administrators can easily perform provision, monitoring, and diagnostics from a remote location.

Are you looking to reduce your overhead?

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With maintenance, travel, hardware, manpower and downtime to consider, local network management can eat into your margins. Using the cloud can allow you to dramatically reduce these costs.

Will the network require lots of tweaking to reach maximum performance?

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Local network management provides more opportunities for enhancing performance – making it the better option for complex projects.

With the Zyxel Nebula, you can share the power of both a boosted workflow and greater overall productivity like never before thanks to our newly expanded cloud portfolio. A Cloud Managed Network can now fit any and every SMB looking for true central control of their network while the extended service offerings make this solution a go-to for great margins.